“No Strings Attached”

by Elder Michael



In the second year after the exodus of our Israelite forefathers from Egypt, the God of Israel instructed Moses in the wilderness of Sinai concerning the protocol of the Tabernacle of Testimony. Included in these instructions was the dress code for the Israelite Assembly:


And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband of blue: And it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the LORD, and do them; and that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a whoring: That ye may remember, and do all my commandments, and be holy unto your God. I amthe LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I amthe LORD your God. [Numbers 15:37-40]


Thou shalt make thee fringes upon the four quarters of thy vesture, wherewith thou coverest thyself.[Deuteronomy 22:12]


Since a blue fringe is extremely important to the Israelite, it is necessary to ensure that the instructions are followed exactly as given. Unfortunately, strangers have muddied the waters concerning “fringes”, placing vanity ahead of humility and obedience. Just to be clear, as stated above, there is no biblical mandate for loose, hanging strings, tassels, etc. Therefore, we mustfirst establish the basic Biblical perspective and then examine the instruction within the given context.


  1. The instruction was a command from “The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob”.
  2. It was given exclusively to the Israelite Nation at the border of Egypt.
  3. A fringe of blue ribband was to be added to the border of the Israelite’s garment as a reminder of the Law.
  4. The Commandment highlighted the role of the Israelite, especially regarding worship, i.e. the Assembly of the Tabernacle.
  5. The blue fringe emphasized the Covenant with the God of Israel and the significance thereof.


Since the Covenant is implicated, the name of the God of Israel must first be validated – (Exodus 3:13-15).This is the same God who selected Moses to lead his Israelite Family, and whom we worship in spirit and in truth, trusting in his Word. We also recognize his signature: “I amthe LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I amthe LORD your God”. Any other source, by any other name would render this command and all others invalid.


Second, the instruction was given secretly to the Israelite Nation at the border of Egypt. There was no other nation present. Therefore, much significance is attached to the name of the Congregation because it legally identifies the nation to whom the secret instruction was given and also the location of that nation at the border of Egypt (whether past or present).


Third, a blue ribband fringe had to be added to the border of the Israelite’s garment as a reminder of the Law. Hence, we see a linen robe with a blue edge or border around the neck, the two sleeves and the perimeter above the feet, like a protective layer covering all four corners of the body. This spiritual perfection calls to mind the four Angels that protect the four corners of the Earth – Rev. 7:1-10, and man was made from the soil of the Earth (humus).


Now, the word “vesture” (Deut. 22:12) signifies a legal covering and confirms that the Israelite Nation is permanently covered by the Covenant, just as the blue sky covers the Earth. This places the robe of the Israelite, with its blue border, in a special legal category. In addition, the word “Ribband” (ribbon) consists of “rib” (covering) and “band” (a flat, thin edge used for binding or tying; a bandage or constraint), from which we get “bond”. The implication is not fashion related, but rather the legally binding Covenant between the God of Israel and the Israelite Nation.


Fourth, when the Commandment is seen within the context of the worship of the God of Israel, it makes perfect sense. Consequently, we see the Israelites assembled to form the “Tabernacle of Witness” and glorifying the God of Israel, according to the terms of the Covenant. Thereby, we are uniquely arrayed in the Robes of Righteousness, consisting of white linen with solid blue borders. Hence, all the “curtains” of the Tabernacle are fully displayed with the Priests and the Elders contributing the additional colours of red and purple.


Now contrast the perfect spiritual majesty of the solid blue border (fringe) with the crude invention of random cords or tassels hanging loosely without any sense of reason or purpose. Such is a direct violation of the given instruction, which plainly states, “…seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a whoring. Even the terrible Pharisees displayed the solid ribband of blue on the four quarters of their robes, except they probably enlarged it twelve inches, instead of one or two – Matthew 23:5-7.


Therefore, as the leading authority of Truth and Righteousness, the Israelite Nation firmly declares that a fringe has nothing to do with a loosely hanging cord, tassel, thread, braided material, etc. Only the Israelite Nation, located at the border of this new Egypt (USA), is authorized to have a solid blue fringe in the four quarters of our garment. Others will soon recognize the importance of this unique quality and seek to join with us, holding on to the skirt of our robes, which has been specially fortified according to the Law –Zechariah 8:20-23.Amen!